
2006 - 01 - 27

* Family Forest Owners contribution to the European Forestry Action Plan

Family Forest Owners as important partners to achieve Lisbon & Gothenburg goals.

Sustainability was already 300 years ago defined in forestry, nowadays the European Family Forest Owners actively contribute to sustainable developments on European level and express one more time that they are important partners in achieving the Lisbon and Gothenburg goals. With a joint position paper in cooperation with the private producer sector represented in the EU Advisory Group on Forestry & Cork, CEPF – the voice of European Family Forest Owners – shows its commitment to a coordinated approach in European Forest Policy. The joint position paper was handed over to Commissioner Marian Fischer Boel and to Member of the European Parliament Joseph Daul.
Coordination and coherence, next to activities in bio-energy and research, are expressed as important issues to be tackled in the EU Forestry Action Plan, expected for mid 2006. Moreover, the strengthening of the forestry sector’s competitiveness and economical viability was identified as one important role of an EU Forestry Action Plan. 
Links: CEPF
Joint Position Action Plan