The Finnish Forest Association and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland have agreed to arrange three additional forums in 2004.
Each forum will mostly operate on a common framework and focus on the forest sector as a whole. However, in parts of the program (e.g. opening session, excursion, exchange of views) each forum also has a theme of special emphasis.
Representatives of Forest Owners Association of Lithuania prepared to paticipate in all forums.
The forums will start with a seminar session in the Helsinki region, and continue on an excursion session organised app. 50-150 km from Helsinki. The contents of the forums is divided into three main parts:
- European Framework (European forest cluster, forest policy etc.)
- Demonstration of forest cluster development and forest policy in the host country (Finland)
- Exchange of experiences between all participating countries, with emphasis on the theme of special emphasis chosen for each forum (input from the participants in form of case presentations)
The forums will be arranged as follows:
Forest Academy Finland 2: 2-4.6.2004 (arrival on the evening of 1.6)
- Seminar: Helsinki, Excursion: Porvoo region
- Theme of emphasis: Integrating economic, social and ecological demands (e.g. public forestry, multiple use)
Forest Academy Finland 3: 15.-17.9.2004 (arrival on the evening of 7.6)
- Seminar: Helsinki, Excursion: Lahti region
- Theme of emphasis: Wood-based sustainable development (e.g. forest industry, wood products, wood energy)
Forest Academy Finland 4: 27.-29.10.2004 (arrival on the evening of 26.10)
- Seminar: Helsinki, Excursion: Lohja region
- Theme of emphasis: Private Forestry in Focus (e.g. organisation and services)