
2005 - 05 - 18

*EU wide Forest based sector research project EFORWOOD approved

The Swedish forestry research institute Skogforsk will co-ordinate the project.
At the same time as the 7th research framework programme is under preparation the forest based sector has proved its importance in the ongoing programming period.

The Commission has approved one of the largest research projects for the forestry and forest industry sector. During the next four years the Eforwood project will develop tools for analysing how forestry and forest industry can contribute to sustainable development in EU.

The project will involve 35 organizations from 18 countries and its planned budget will be 19 million euro. In stiff competition the Swedish forest research institute Skogforsk has been awarded the role as project co-ordinator.

The objective is to create a basis for decision-making that can be used for evaluating the contribution of forestry and forest industry to sustainable economic, environmental and social development. The whole production chain from forest to final consumer, including recycling of materials and products, will be involved.

The Eforwood project also aims at increasing awareness among both politicians and society at large of the importance of forestry and forest industry for sustainable growth and development. 

Links: CEPF: Confédération Européenne des Propriétaires Forestiers