
2005 - 04 - 04

*More than every third forest owner in Sweden is a woman

Women constitute 38 per cent of forest owners in Sweden, which is more than one third. When forestry is discussed in media and elsewhere the impression is given that the branch is dominated by men. And that is the reality; in this business women remain in the background.

Or rather they once did. Since four years there is a women's network within "LRF Skogsägarna", the Swedish forest owners' national federation. The network is called "Women forest owners". One of the objectives of the network is to encourage more female forest owners to participate actively in forestry.

The purpose is not that I as a woman shall go out lumbering, but I can be out there and participate in discussions and in finding solutions, says Katarina Lundberg, a forest owner from Northern Sweden.

The most common ways of becoming a forest owner is by heritage or purchase. Family members are often co-owners and often they have other jobs apart from their involvement in forestry. Although so many women are forest owners, they do not, in general, see themselves in this role. The network wants to change all this. Women are of the opinion that they are well met by their make colleagues.

Today men are more sympathetic to the idea of including us in their midst, says Elisabeth Sandberg, a forest owner from Boden in Northern Sweden. For example, many men realize that all women do not understand forestry terminology and that the technical terms have to be explained. More and more women acquire forest land, which means that ways and means must be found for introducing them in this branch. Women's thinking is not always the same as men's. We can introduce new ideas so that all old patterns and solutions are not taken for granted.