
2005 - 04 - 04

*Volume growth in Norwegian forests

Figures presented by the Norwegian Institute of Land Inventory (NIJOS) indicate that aggregate cubic volume in Norwegian forests increases by more than 10 million cubic metres per year. In the period 1999 - 2003 total growth in productive forest areas was 22.1 million cubic metres.

When felling of 9.5 million cubic metres and natural wastage of 2.1 million cubic metres are deducted, there still remains an annual net growth of standing forest of 10.5 million cubic metres.

This implies a considerable net volume increase in Norwegian forests, constituting evidence that the country applies a very restrictive policy in exploiting future resources. Less than half of annual growth is felled. Natural wastage means dying forest and timber left lying.

Bu means of the National Forest Inventory NIOS has annually monitored Norwegian forests since 1919. The 8th forest inventory on national level was finalized in 2004 and the material collected for the inventory season 2004 is now subject to processing and analysis.