*Norwegian help in clearing after storm in Sweden
The recent storm in Southern Sweden created chaos in Swedish forestry overnight. The Norwegian forest owners’ association Viken Skog have now been in Sweden setting up cooperation with Södra in order to help clear the massive windfall.
On the morning after the disaster Södra and Viken were already in touch about the need for help in the clearing task.
Viken have surveyed the area and estimated the timber quality. Conditions seem to be right for a win-win situation where Södra will get sorely needed harvesting capacity and an outlet for timber, while Viken buys back self-cut sawmill timber and develops relations with an important professional operator.
The arrangement consists in Viken providing a fully developed concept including the purchase of timber, harvesting capacity and some transport capacity. In order to ensure that the sawmills in Norway get the right quality of timber, it will be felled to the sawmills’ own specifications, and the contractors will be closely monitored by Viken staff.
For the present Viken is sending down 4 to 6 harvesting teams. Later in the spring this capacity may be doubled. Viken are aiming to ensure that this arrangement will not hurt the interests of forest owners who need harvesting capacity in Norway.