
2005 - 02 - 02

* National support group for Forest-based Sector Technological Platform established in Lithuania


02 February, 2005 Vilnius.
National support group for Forest-based Sector Technological Platform was established in Lithuania.
27 representaives from forest industry, research and education, forest owners, ministries has participated in establishment meeting.
List of participants one can find here...>>> ( 87.5 kb ) 
National support
group's tasks are:

* Secure that the key stakeholders are represented in the national group.
* Formulate the member country's views and comments to draft project
* Introduce and inform about the FTP in its country, e.g. contacts with the high level authorities, public financiers etc., and do active lobbying work. General knowledge about FTP, especially within the minister level EU-representatives, in each country helps to push FTP forward in the
* Coordinate national agendas
* The participation is of course voluntary and is based on the each
member's or organisation's interest in the EU joint R&D activities.
* There is no duties to the national support groups. The idea is that each participants and country/company have chances to make use, in a way or another, of this joint effort. The actual utilisation starts when the strategic research agenda is ready and stakeholders start to implement the

At this stage, it is of great importance that as many country as
possible will join the FTP and support it. By getting a wide support and participation we have better chances to get better ranked in the Commissions evaluation, and that means better chances to get EU R&D money for our sector.

"The project is happy to get Lithuanian views to the vision document and especially to the strategic research agenda" -Mr. Kari Luukko,  project secretary  Forest-Based Sector Technology Platform said.

Mr. Kari Luukko and  R&D Director Mr. Markku Lehtonen from Woodfocus has participated in the meeting.

More about FTP one can read from web site:

FOAL information
for more:
(C)Photos: Violeta Bubelyte