* Workshop "Policy options for private forestry in CEEC"
27-29 November 2007, Kernavė/Lithuania
Joint event of the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Lithuania, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the Confederation of European Forest Owners (CEPF) and IUCN - The World Conservation Union.
The specific objective of the workshop is to present positive development or solution cases in the private forestry sector of CEEC to selected thematic issues, such as 1) the overall development of private forestry, 2) information systems on private forestry, 3) incentive systems for private forestry and 4) eco-system services in private forestry.
- Austria_BIOSA
- Croatia_incentive
- Czech Republic_private forestry policy
- Estonia_incentive
- FAO_opportunities for private forestry
- Finland_METSO
- Germany_eco-system services
- Germany_info system private forests
- Hungary_incentive
- Hungary_info system private forests
- Hungary_private forestry policy
- Lithuania_info system private forests
- Lithuania_private forestry policy