
2007 - 02 - 27

* European Family Forestry represented through new Secretary General

In January 2007 the CEPF board appointed Ms Birte Schmetjen as the new Secretary General of the organisation. Working already since almost three years as policy and communication advisor in CEPF, Ms Schmetjen is familiar with the work in the CEPF liaison office in Brussels.

Birte Schmetjen originates from a small village in Lower Saxony, Germany, and holds a Master degree in Forestry. Prior to her post in CEPF, she completed the 2nd state examination in State Forestry Agency. Through several international working experiences in Europe, Central America and Africa as well as her specialisation in communication her background knowledge suits well to the requirements of lobbying family forestry in Europe.

“I will do my best to foster reliable political framework conditions for family forest owners in Europe and secure property rights in their ownership to maintain and enhance sustainable forest management“, she pointed out.