
2006 - 12 - 09

* CEPF Secretary General Natalie Hufnagl goes backstage

Source: CEPF
After almost eight years of full commitment the CEPF Secretary General Mrs Natalie Hufnagl aims for new challenges in her home country from where she will continue to support European Family Forest Owners.

During his farewell speech, the CEPF President Mr Stefan Schenker indicated “Natalie Hufnagl put a face to CEPF in Europe and beyond!” – Through her engagement the CEPF became the heart and representative of family forestry in Europe enhancing the values of private property through sustainable forest management.

During the last ten years CEPF has not only become recognised within the European Institutions as a responsible partner and has become known as the Voice of European Family Forestry; it also represents the small-scale landowners at international level within the UNFF (United Nation Forum on Forests). CEPF has to thank her Secretary General very much for her personal engagement that helped CEPF to grow during the recent years. She started in 1999 as the CEPF representation in Brussels was still in its infancy, the same umbrella federation that represents nowadays 23 national member organisations from Hammerfest till Málaga and from Vilnius till Dublin. She enriched and fostered the expansion from 17 to 23 members through her forestry expertise and her dynamic personality that brought the CEPF to where it is today. As one of her last actions, the lady with Bavarian roots managed to build up the new European Forestry House in the heart of Brussels, which will gather different forestry related organisations under one roof by the first quarter of next year.