
2006 - 09 - 07

Private forest owners from all over the world meet in Helsinki

7 September 2006
Private forest owners want to be taken seriously as dynamic contributors to the forestry sector worldwide – this was one of the statements heard on the opening day of the International Forest Owners’ Congress. More than 100 representatives of private forest owners from 25 countries have gathered in Helsinki to seek and define a common policy for transnational co-operation.

The 5th International Forest Owners’ Congress takes place on 7 – 9 September. The Congress topics are the challenges and opportunities of family forestry and its viability.

On the first day, the discussion revolved around the role of family forest owners as timber producers today. Presentations also included the ways forest owners in different countries have found new methods of obtaining an income from the forest, and how they have risen to challenges posed by society, such as safeguarding forest biodiversity. The Congress was opened by the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Juha Korkeaoja.

– Global co-operation of forest owners has been characterized by development of sustainable forestry, and finding ways of responding to the increasing expectations of society, said Michael Hornborg, President of MTK, who welcomed the guests on behalf of Finnish forest owners.

General Assembly of International Family Forestry Alliance tomorrow
Tomorrow is the day of the General Assembly of the International Family Forestry Alliance (IFFA). It will elect the Board and decide on the future legal position of the Association.

After the meeting, the congress visitors will be taken on excursions in Uusimaa and South Häme. The trips will provide an introduction to Finnish family forestry and operation of Forest Management Associations, as well as the role of the forest owner in the wood processing chain.

The Congress is jointly organized by IFFA and the Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK), which has taken care of practical arrangements in Finland.

Additional information: Forestry Director Antti Sahi +358 400 804496 and Forestry Specialist Lea Jylhä +358 40 8488081 
